Partner’s area

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    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]

    Note to admins:

    Custom CSS classes:

    • guest-only: block only shown when user is not logged in.
    • user-only: block only shown when user is logged in.
    • not-shown-in-front: block won’t be shown in front end (like this block).

    How to add a new tab

    1. Create new tab via “Add tab”
    2. Give it a css class formatted as such: tab name where spaces are replaced with “-“, no caps. You can add this in the tab settings-  -> “Advanced” -> “Developer settings” -> “Custom Css Class”
    3. In the “Code block” below, add this formatted name to the “tabTags” array. Each new value must be wrapped with quotes, each values separated by a coma.